
Showing posts from October, 2005

Plowing Ahead with Susan Hero!

Now that the NGO doc (link to trailer to be posted soon after it's official release here, it's very sensitive material) is don, I've been able to focus all efforts solely on Susan Hero and am now within sight of it completion. Goal is to have a solid working cut ready by Halloween, then ship off to the US to have some sort of work in progress screening there as well as here in Cambodia. Can't write much, have been writing instead in the hard copy making of diary, HURRICANE, now a year and a half old and 310 pages long! Speaking of which: what is up with all the hurricanes? Came up with the title HURRICANE last year during what seemed to be a strange peak year for Hurricane's now they seem to be getting worse and worse each year... Musct go now and change my underwear. Bought a pair of "XXL" down in Sinnoukeville last week, but they are SQUEEZING my balls off...I wonder who deemed them to be XXL? (Strange Cambodian underpants)

Sorry , no time to Blog

As I have been hauling ass to finish the NGo doc and also the rough cut of Susan Hero...have been writing instead mainly in the non-online journay HURRICANE, which is now over 300 pages--a real testamanet to the gruelling process of making Susan Hero which has led me from NYC to New Mexico, to Cambodia. Finished the NGO doc finally! Trailer link to be posted soon. Now taking a break in Kompong Som, back to Phnom Penh in a day or two.